Mount Baw Baw – 7 Peaks Challenge


December 8, 2013 by Michael BRB Cycling

I’m pretty speechless right now, I have a massive beaming smile, and I attribute it to Baw Baw. So awesome that ‘Baw’ needed to be said twice.

Matt and Andy from The Climbing Cyclist and Hells 500 put on today’s Baw Baw event.  It was full of surprises, inspiring moments, excitement, pain, jubilation, exhilaration, and accomplishment.

Surprise #1

5 days ago, a rather nonchalant and unassuming email was sent out by me. It consisted of the following:

Surely Mt Baw Baw demands more respect than this...

Surely Mt Baw Baw demands more respect than this…

Now, one could easily substitute ‘Baw Baw’ for ‘Beach Rd’, but due to many commitments like work/family/children’s parties, that sometimes can stimulate little interest. I thought I’d get zero response, or at least a ‘you’re crazy” reply.

After a few hours, I had received one yes! I was to have company for the journey. By lunchtime the next day, two became three, which was then four by 5pm! It’s safe to say, I was rather surprised by the uptake!

Surprise #2

I love Instagram, and when I saw the Hells 500 competition entitled ‘Dob and Win – Baw Baw’ where “Dobbing is unaustralian… that is unless you stand to win a sweet prize’  I felt I had earned a place to enter. When I rolled into the car park at Tanjil Bren this morning, I was promptly greeted by Andy from Hells 500. I knew who he was, but I didn’t think there was any reason for him to know who I was. He said something about socks, and so I looked at my rather crap unstylish yet faithful merinos. I was confused, how does Andy know who I am, and why is he talking to me about my socks… it finally dawned on me, I won the competition. I don’t win competitions, but today I did! I don’t know what was more surprising, winning the socks, or having the event organiser have some idea who I was – talk about 15 seconds of fame!

Inspiring Moments

After setting out from Noojee and getting into the sharp climb of Vesper Hill, I reached the top and was eagerly awaited by my three riding partners, and a new face. The new face was a lady named Ruth. Initially, climbing up Vesper Hill is when I first met Ruth. She wizzed past me and commented on her error in wearing too much clothing, as it was quite a warm start in the sunshine. I said hello to Ruth at the top of Vesper Hill, and our group expanded from four to five for the entire day.

She was an inspiring person to ride with and here’s a few reasons why; descending from Tanjil Bren to the base of Baw Baw, Ruth just flew through the corners without fear. When the climb started, it wasn’t long until she was off into the distance, paving her way to the summit at speeds I could only dream of.

I think though, the most inspiring moment of the day to me was when I learnt that she had given birth this year. I couldn’t believe it. To think that she could go through that sort of experience and then have enough time to get back on the bike and build up her fitness to a level that I could only aspire towards was truly amazing! It was an awe inspiring display, and I was grateful to have witnessed it!


Once again, and true to form, my quads and hamstrings decided to cramp up. I got off and stretched them out, but I was happy to not resort to walking my bike up the climb. Even if there was no cramp, Baw Baw creates pain for any cyclist.


Coasting through the Mount Baw Baw gates can cause this effect. Being clapped by your riding friends too adds to the moment. Sharing an assortment of lollies, fruit mince pies, bananas and of course, homemade banana cupcakes just capped off the climb. Everyone up there knew it. It was a tough climb, and the experience of jubilation I’m sure wasn’t only felt by me.

Just a bit of reward for Elliot, Todd, Michael, Ruth, Andy and Matt at the Baw Baw summit.

Just a bit of reward for Elliot, Todd, Michael, Ruth, Andy and Matt at the Baw Baw summit.


Newton said it best. What goes up, must come down, and what an exhilarating descent it was. Without even needing to pedal, your acceleration is phenomenal. You cling to your brakes because your life depends on it! I had never been on a bike and felt my ears pop due to the sudden drop of altitude. I had never smelt the thick stench of my own melting brakes. I had never felt a large amount of heat emanating from my rims before. It was a great descent, a bit sketchy and dangerous in parts, but one I’ll never forget.


Getting back to Noojee was not really something I had thought would be so satisfying. It’s a very small town, and today it was our home base. All of the what if’s, questions, and doubts that sat with me when we departed were extinguished when we returned. The act of challenging oneself physically and mentally is an important aspect of growing. Conquering Mount Baw Baw to me must be a rite of passage if I’m to claim that I’m a cyclist, a Melbournian and open to accepting any two-wheeled challenge.

The grin of accomplishment.

The grin of accomplishment.

3 thoughts on “Mount Baw Baw – 7 Peaks Challenge

  1. Ruth says:

    “Even if there was no cramp, Baw Baw creates pain for any cyclist.” So true!!

    Was great to met and ride with you. Made my ride up Baw Baw even more memorable. Thanks for the nice write up, i’m touched that I inspired you 🙂 If you want to ride again some time soon let me know when ur heading out.

  2. It really was an awesome day; perfect conditions and great atmosphere all around. Congrats on conquering the beast. Are you doing the post-Christmas Domestique rides?

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